Wednesday, December 7, 2011

#CHEAP Sesame Street Games View-Master 3D 3 Reel SetView Master

Sesame Street Games View-Master 3D 3 Reel Set

Sesame Street Games View-Master 3D 3 Reel Set

CHEAP,Discount,Buy,Sale,Bestsellers,Good,For,REVIEW, Sesame Street Games View-Master 3D 3 Reel SetView Master,Wholesale,Promotions,Shopping,Shipping,Sesame Street Games View-Master 3D 3 Reel SetView Master,BestSelling,Off,Savings,Gifts,Cool,Hot,Top,Sellers,Overview,Specifications,Feature,on sale,Sesame Street Games View-Master 3D 3 Reel SetView Master Sesame Street Games View-Master 3D 3 Reel SetView Master

Sesame Street Games View-Master 3D 3 Reel Set Overview

See Elmo and the Sesame Street gang compete in their own version of the olympics.

Sesame Street Games View-Master 3D 3 Reel Set Feature

  • 3 Reel Set
  • Made in USA

Sesame Street Games View-Master 3D 3 Reel Set Specifications

All of our favorite Sesame Street friends are gearing up for the big "Sesame Street Games." Slip the first of the three image wheels into any View-Master and witness the opening parade with Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch, and Cookie Monster. As the games begin, Elmo gets a "10" in roller-blading, Zoƫ proudly shows off her gymnastic skills, Ernie wins the gold in diving, and Elmo scores the winning goal in soccer. These crystal clear photographs feature a bright green countryside setting and all your favorite Sesame Street characters in exciting 3-D. If you're looking for Sesame Street fun that really leaps to life, these View-Master reels are for you. --Tami Horiuchi