Saturday, August 13, 2011


Fisher Price H0701 Poohs Heffalhump Movie Viewmsater 3D Reels

Fisher Price H0701 Poohs Heffalhump Movie Viewmsater 3D Reels

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Fisher Price H0701 Poohs Heffalhump Movie Viewmsater 3D Reels Overview

There's a strange rumbling in the Hundred Acre Wood that could only be caused by one thing: a Heffalump! When too little Roo sets off on his own journey to capture the much-feared creature, Pooh and the rest of the crew are in for an enormous surprise. Hop along for the adventure.

Fisher Price H0701 Poohs Heffalhump Movie Viewmsater 3D Reels Feature

  • 3D scenes from Walt Disney's Pooh's Heffalump movie
  • 21 images in 3D - 3 reels
  • Reels fit all View-Master viewers
  • View-Master 3D products open up an exciting world of fun and adventure. You'll feel like you're there!
  • Relive the Pooh story over and over again